홈페이지 : http://www.xmission.com/~georgeps/Tk_Theme/
조지 피터 스테이플린이 테마를 위해 디자인된 두 개의 새로운 위젯을 제공하는 Tk_Theme 확장 패키지를 공개했습니다. 위젯은 theme:frame과 theme:label입니다. 이 위젯은 Tk의 프레임 및 레이블 위젯과 거의 동일한 방식으로 작동합니다. Tcl/Tk 8.3 및 X가 필요합니다.
George Peter Staplin `ve written a Tk_Theme extension that provides two new widgets designed for themes. The widgets are theme:frame and theme:label. They act in much the same way as Tk`s frame and label widgets. It requires Tcl/Tk 8.3 and X.
Copyright 2002 George Peter Staplin
Tcl/Tk >= 8.3
X Window System
C compiler (gcc works)
Invoke `tclsh8.3 configure`
Run make
You may need to modify the generated makefile if it doesn't build, but most people should not need to. Now you can run ./extension_test.tcl
Alternatively if your system has issues with loading shared libraries then you can try the test target with make test, which will create a test executable that can be run with ./test
kdesystray.tcl is an example of using theme:frame to embed a window into the KDE system tray.
See main.tcl
Please report any problems to GeorgePS@XMission.com